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What is data science and why it is so important?

Data science is simply the art of deriving useful information from huge piles of data. As simple as it may sound, data science is not all that simple. Companies and firms are actively seeking data scientists at this moment to fill existing vacancies in the data science field at their offices. Why? Because data science has the power to convert huge, immense piles of raw data into useful and understandable information.

In the health sector, there could be lots of diagnostics being run on different patients. All these data could be collected and analyzed to provide for a comparative research study among different classes of patients. Now imagine doing that across all the hospitals available in the area. As unbelievable as it may sound, data science can do the trick. All it needs is a data science professional or a data scientist to run a program that will take into account all the various tasks and procedures that data science involves to find out trends and relationships among the data and produce a useful result. That is the power of data science. Data science can convert otherwise useless piles of passively collected raw data into useful information at the end of the process. It can transform a set of seemingly valueless data into solid evidence for trends and fluctuations within those trends. This can be further used to develop sound business policies that could also facilitate business changes in operational plans based on well-founded data analytics results. This has a huge impact on the business, as data science is now helping businesses focus their attention on areas that had been previously left out. Data science helps bring notice to the areas of business where it is feasible to try a new strategy and bring better results.


Who is a data scientist?

Now, since you know what data science is, and have a pretty good understanding of what data science could do for various industries, let’s now look into who a data scientist is. A data scientist is plainly anyone who has a certain level of understanding and technical experience with data science, so as to create helpful and useful data in a business or a firm, drawing this information from huge piles of data that may be collected by the firm. A data scientist must be equipped with the various technologies and methods used to derive trends and comparisons between complex data patterns. He/She should have the technical know-how to create meaningful data from raw piles of seemingly pointless raw data. That is the power of a data scientist and that is precisely why data scientists are in great demand at this moment. Many industries, businesses, and firms have opportunities where the technical expertise of a data scientist could be put to good use to optimize maximization of business profit and minimizing of business losses.

If you think you have what it takes to become a data science professional, join our course and get Data Science certification.